We appreciate the privilege of assisting you in establishing your garden and the following notes are for your guidance on maintenance.

The first four to six weeks after completion are very critical and it is important to:-

  • Make sure your lawn/ plants are never short of water. Water in dry weather early mornings and late afternoons with a fine sprinkler.
  • Keep people, machinery and pets off until first cut.
  • When all lawn areas are between 75mm and 100mm high, cut grass with a sharp mower blade set in a position to leave the cut grass 50mm in height and collect grass cuttings.If turf laying was completed during wet and cold period, do not walk upon until ground has become firm from dry weather conditions.
  • If gaps appear in turfed lawns due to lack of water, mix soil, sand and peat and place into gaps.
  • After 3 to 5 cuts, the height of cut may be lowered to a suggested cutting height of 25mm to 35mm.
  • If mushrooms appear cut lawn regularly and they will die away.
  • After 12 months, apply a good quality Feed and Weed to lawn areas during spring and autumn.
  • Prune plants, check tree stakes and ties during dormant periods.

We trust the above notes are helpful, implementing them is a must, it is your responsibility after our work is completed.

A healthy garden is the result of continued care and attention.

Opening Times: 8a.m. – 5p.m. Monday to Friday.Closed for lunch 1p.m. – 1.30p.m.

8a.m. – 1p.m. Saturdays.Closed Sundays.

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